
Our school district has been provided a license for a literacy program called Read&Write, a toolbar with over 20 tools that help students read, write, and study independently. The Read&Write Extension is automatically installed for students when they sign into the Chrome browser using their Google G Suite account. The student can also install the Texthelp PDF Reader from the Chrome web store for our district.

Instructions for Parents on Using Read&Right to Build Student Literacy

We are here to help! For additional support, please contact Hallie Eckdahl at:

Our school district has also been provided a license for EquatIO, a toolbar with several input methods that help students create, solve, and express math. Students can add EquatIO to their Chrome browser by signing in with their Google G Suite account and going to the Chrome web store for our district.

Parent Math Resource for Using EquatIO

IRIS Center Training

The IRIS Center has created a new module specifically for parents to address this urgent and growing need. Parents: Supporting Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic offers practical tools and easy-to-implement strategies.

Parents: Supporting Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic can be accessed free of charge on the IRIS Center's Website. Please help us to get the word out and share this streamlined, user-friendly resource with parents.

Supported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, IRIS is located at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. Access the Module